NOTE:Usecautionwhenremovingthebladetoavoidcontactingtheweldboltsonthe housing.• Whensharpeningthe blade,follow the originalangleof grindas a guide.It is extremelyimportantthateachcuttingedgereceivesanequalamountofgrindingto preventan unbalancedblade.An unbal-ancedbladewill causeexcessivevibrationwhenrotatingat highspeedsandmaycausedamagetotheunit.• Thebladecanbetestedfor balanceby balancingitona roundshaftscrewdriveror nail.Removemetalfromthe heavysideuntilit is balancedevenly.Seefigure21.Nail _\ _ tBladeFIGURE 21.• When reassembling the blade, tighten to between550 and 650 inch pounds, or lacking torquewrench, tighten securely.FLAILSThe flails, located inside the housing, may bereversed when they become dull. It is suggested thatthis procedure be performed by your nearest SearsService Department.CARBURETORADJUSTMENTWARNING: IF ANY ADJUSTMENTS ARE,_ MADE TO THE ENGINE WHILE THEENGINE IS RUNNING (E.G. CARBURE-TOR), KEEP CLEAR OF ALL MOVINGPARTS. BE CAREFUL OF HEATED SUR-FACES AND MUFFLER.The carburetor has been pre-set at the factory andshould not require adjustment. However, if yourengine does not operate properly due to suspectedcarburetor problems, take your chipper-shredder toyour nearest SEARS Service Center.ENGINESPEEDYour engine speed has been factory set. Do notattempt to increase engine speed or it may result inpersonal injury. If you believe the engine is runningtoo fast or too slow, take your chipper-shredder to thenearest SEARS Service Center for repair and adjust-ment.16