This is the safety alert symbol, tt is used to alert you to potential personalinjuryhazards.Obey all safety messages that fallow this symbamto avoid passible injury or death.ii_!-j_j Read this manual carefui(y and become familiarwith your generator. }(now its applications, its(imitations, and any hazards involved.The safety alert symbol (_) is used with a signal word(DANGER,CAUTIOr/,WARNIr/G), a pictorial and/or a safetymessageto alert you to hazards. BANGERindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, wi/f result in death or serious injury.WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury. CAUTIONindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, might resuIt in minor or moderateinjury. CAUTION,when used without the alert symbol,indicates a situation that could result in equipment damage.Foiiow safety messagesto avoid or reduce the risk of injuryor death.WARNINGThe engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicalsknown to the State of California to cause cancer, birthdefects, or other reproductive harm.Hazard Symheis and Nteanings®DANGFRContents are HARMFULOR FATAL iFSWALLOWED.Avoid contact to eyes, skin orclothing. DOriOT take internaIiy. Avoid breathingthe mist or vapor. Overexposureto eyes or skincan cause irritation. Keepstabiiizer out of thereach of children.Fuelstabilizer is a hazardous chemical/*FreshStartTM fuel capis designedto holda cartridgewhichcontainsfuelstabilizer.• If SWALLOWEDcallphysicianimmediately.DONOTinducevomiting.If inhaled removeto freshair. Incaseof eyeor skincontacLflush with waterfor 15 minutes.o Storeunopenedcartridgesin a cool,d% wellventilatedarea.Keepopenca!tridgein fuel cap,andfuel capclosedon fueltankwhennotin use.o Inthe caseof an emergency,contacta physicianimmediatelyandcall 1-800-424-9300for rnateria!safetyinformation.• * Fuel stabilizer contains: 2,6-di-tret-butylphenol (128=39-2) and aliphatic petroleumdistillate (64742-47-8).A =ExplosionB =FireC =Electric ShockD = Toxic FumesE =KickbackF =Hot SurfaceG =Flying ObjectsH =Moving PartsJ =HazardousChemicalK =ReadManualUsing a generator indoors CAN KiLL YOU iN MINUTES,Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide, This isa poison you cannot see or smemmoNEVER use inside a homeor garage, EVEN mF doorsand wiedows are open,Only use OUTSIDE andfar away from windows,doors, and vents,WARNSNGRunning engine gives off carbon monoxide, anodorless, colorless, poison gas.Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headache,fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,nausea,fainting or death.o OperategeneratorONLYoutdoors.• Installa batteryoperatedcarbonrnonoxideahrrn nearthebedroorns.• Keepexhaustgasfrom enteringa confinedareathroughwindows_doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in an enclosedarea,(evenif windowsanddoorsareopen) includingthe generatorcompa!tmentof a recreationalvehicle(RV).