Pressure Washer RinsingFor Rinsing:1. Select and change to desired spray pattern nozzle onselector nozzle. See How To Use Selector Nozzle.2. Keep spray gun a safe distance from areayou plan tospray.,_, WARNING Kickback from spray gun could cause youto fall resulting in death or serious injury.• Operatepressurewasherfrom a stablesurface.• Beextremelycarefulif youmust usethe pressurewasherfroma ladder,scaffolding,or any othersimilar location.• Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghighpressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygun kicksback.3. Apply a high pressure spray to a small area and thencheck surface for damage, if no damage is found, youcan assume it is okay to continue rinsing.4. Start at top of area to be rinsed, working down withsame overlapping strokes as you used for cleaning.Cleaning Detergent SiphoningTubeIf you used the clear detergent siphoning tube, you mustflush it with clean water before stopping the engine.1. Place detergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucket full ofclean water..3.4.5.Select and change to SOAP spray pattern nozzle onselector nozzle.See How To Use Selector Nozzle.Flush for 1-2 minutes.Shut off engine following instructions How to StopPressure Washerand turn off water supply.ALWAYS point spray gun in a safe direction push redbutton and squeezespray gun trigger to release retainedhigh water pressure.,_, WARNING The high pressure stream of water thatthis equipment produces could cut through skinand its underlying tissues, resulting in seriousinjury and possible amputation.Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine isstopped and water is disconnected, which could result inserious injury.= Keephigh pressurehoseconnectedto pumpand spraygunwhilesystemis pressurized.• ALWAYSpointspraygun in safedirection,pressredbuttonandsqueezesprayguntriggerto releasehighpressure,everytime youstop engine.Automatic Cool Down System(Thermal Relief)If you run the engine on your pressure washer for3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun,circulating water in the pump can reach temperatures above125°F. The system engages to cool the pump by dischargingthe warm water onto the ground.16