HANDWHEEL10/32" SOCKET HEAD SCREW6, From the loose parts bag locate a 10/32 x 1" sockethead screw, Screw the screw into the back side ofthe tailstock as shown, Failure to install this boltwill allow tailstock to slide off end of bed. Shouldit slide off accidentally and fall to the floor, damageto tailstock and cup center could result.WARNING: The stop screw is for your protection.It prevents the talistock from being used part wayoff the end of the bed which could cause the tail-stock to loosen when operated the lathe,ILLUSTRATION SHOWSREAR OF LATHESOCKETHEADSCREWTAILSTOCKLOCKMOUNTING AND ASSEMBLINGHEADSTOCK1. Line up V-grooves in headstock with left end oflathe bed. Slide headstock onto lathe bed as faras possible,"_'_"__ E TOCIi _ _ yos K--, lllIll I lllll I"U I I,,, Ill II I I, HI I0o€:_-r02. To be sure headstock is positioned properlyon lathebed, look under headstock and make sureheadstock housing is touching end of lathe bed.(See illustration,) Now, place left hand under leftend of headstock assembly, Lift up on headstockassembly and push it toward bed, Hold headstockassembly in this position and proceed to step 3.HEADSTOCK f_HOUSINGBED END 17