assembly:= INSTALLING SLIDING GUARDPARTS NEEDED1; Sliding Guard1: Sliding Guard Knob1 Sliding Guard Rod2 SlidingGuard Washers (one side of washer is concave)1 Hex. Nut 1/2 in.- 131 Split Iockwasher 1/2 in.2: EXt. tooth lockwashers2 10-32x 1/4 Pan Hd. Screws1. screw nut all the way onto long end of rod.., place1/2 in. lockwasher next to nut.2. Screw rod all the way into Jointer with short end up...tighten nut.1/2 IN. HEX NUTSLIDING GUARD ROD,: : i •:: i¸:•:I:3. Attach sliding guard to fence with two machine screwsand Iockwashers.4. Place one Sliding Guard Washer, concave side DOWN onsupport rod.5. Drop sliding guard onto rod.., place other washer, con-cave side UP on rod.., screw on Sliding Guard Knob.SLIDING GUARD KNOB10-32xl/4 SCREWSEXT. TOOTHLOCKWASH ERSWASHER(CONCAVE SIDE UP)MOUNTING RECOMMENDED CRAFTSMANMOTOR AND BELT GUARDSSee page 5 for recommended motors.PARTS NEEDED4 carriage bolts, 5/16 - 18 x 1 in., flat washers, lock washersand nuts supplied with Craftsman Stand.1 Jointer Planer Belt Guard1 Motor Pulley Belt GuardI Belt Guard Support1 BeltGuard Support Bracket3 Belt Guard Clips1 : Motor Pulleys,2-1/2 in; dia.11 V-Bett:..2 Pan Head S_rews 10 - 32 x 1/2 in. ......... '2 Hex. Hd. Screws 1/4 -20x 1/2 in.2 Hex. Nuts 1/4- 20TOOLS NEEDEDMedium Screwdriver5/32 in. Setscrew Wrench (furnished with Jointer)1/2 and 7/16 in. Wrenches8