7, Remove the six lifter screws. (Two under each blade.)8. Clean cutterhead, wedges and screws thoroughly withCraftsman Gum and Pitch Remover. Also remove theoil from new blades,9. Replace the six lifter screws and screw them in all theway, but do not tighten. Mark each slot 1, 2, and 3.This wilf help you in setting the blades,CUTTER HEADSETSCREWMARK SLOTS10, Insert a blade in slot marked 1 ,.. so it projects 1/16in, beyond end of the cutterhead,11. "tnsert a wedge next to blade so the flat side of thewedge is against the blade. Push wedge in manually --do not install two locking setscrews at this time."t2.::_;Place head of square on outfeed table. Loosen lifterscrews to raise blade until it just touches square andslightly raises it. Gently turn cutter head back andforth with the pulley while raising blade. The bladesshould be adjusted just slightly above the outfeedtable, by approximately .003 in. (thickness of anaverage piece of paper},NOTE: Sears has a knife setting gauge for this purpose. Cat.# 9-26471/8 IN. SETSCREW WRENCHHEAD OFSQUARE\TABLELIFTER SCREW13. "Now install both locking setscrews and tighten (withthe 5/32" setscrew wrench) alternately a little at atime. Tighten both screws securely, Recheck the bladeto make sure it did not change position,"14. Install other two blades the same way./f23