.getting toknow your iointer-plonerb.Insert a pencil in space at end of cutterhead tohold cutterguard open.Place a straightedge (large square or long level) onoutfeed table. First along one side than along theother.c. Raise infeed table until it touches straightedge.d. Sight between table and straightedge to determinehigh or low condition of end of infeed table.ROTATEBLADE OUT OFPENCILIt is easier to adjust the infeed table while the Jointer issetting on your workbench.Do not turn the Jointer on its side or upside down toadjust it.Attach a stripof wood to two blocks of wood 10 in. high.Drive enough nails into the strip so that Jointer doesnot tip over while resting on blocks.ita. Remove motor cord from outlet in switch box,b, Remove,joir_ter pulley guard and V:belt ..........:, c. Remove Jointer from stand.::: :::d, Lower theinfeed table,: :::e. Place Jointe_ioh biocksill_• . •_: :i _i_¸::I•: : ".... .... ......... • ii!i___i _i, :_ii;_:_ i'=_i _L,,,:,,,,,,,,II,I::?_10 IN,BLOCKS: : OF WOOD.i IllYOUR WORKBENCHf. Insert a pencil in space at end of cutterhead tohold cutterguard open,g. Wrapa piece of cardboard aroUnd::cutterhead toi protect your fingers and the blades : . . secure:cardboard with a piece of tape. ,i i_i_i ii_i _i_i_i _: i : i_!_ iii_IL!__ii, :ii_i !i_;!ii!;i_i _PENCILtCARDBOAR D"•16