A_'. CUTTER GUARD, Provides protection over thecutter head. it must always be in place and function-ing properly,Check the guard to make sure it is functioning pro-per ly,a, Position fence to right for maximum width of cut.b. Pass a 1/4 in. thick piece of wood over cutterheadbetween quard and fence,Guard must return automatically to "rest position'"against fence when free of the wood.If guard does not return automatically, see TroubleShooting and Maintenance Sections.CUTTERGUARDFENCEINFEED TABLE_. INFEEDTABLE:MUST ALWAYS BE PARAL-LEL TO THE OUTFEED TABLE.If the cut edge or surface of the workpiece isCROWNED, it is an indication that the OUTWARDEND of the INFEED table is HIGH and must beadjusted.If the cut edge or surface of the workpiece is CON-CAVE, it is an indication that the OUTWARD ENDof the INFEED table is LOW and must be adjusted.Check the infeed table to determine the "out ofparallel" condition.CROWNED CUT,.FEEDTAB'EEND HIGHCONCAVE CUTINFEED TABLE LOW15