Prisma II 2.5G 2:1 bdr-I Receiver andPrisma II Chassis Issue TechnicalBulletinOverviewCustomers using the Prisma® II 2.5G 2:1 bdr-I Receiver may experiencecommunication problems with the receiver when installed in a Prisma II Chassisconfigured with an ID ending in 2 through 5.PurposeThe purpose of this document is to inform users of the Prisma II 2.5G 2:1 bdr-IReceiver, part numbers 4018935 and 4018938, of possible problems with thereceiver when used with chassis ID ending in 2 through 5. This technical bulletindefines the issue and provides the corrective measures that should be taken byqualified and skilled personnel.AudienceThis technical bulletin applies to system engineers, managers, and customers whoare responsible for operating or maintaining Prisma II equipment.Qualified PersonnelOnly appropriately qualified and skilled service personnel should attempt toinstall, operate, maintain, and service this product.WARNING:Allow only qualified and skilled personnel to install, operate, maintain, andservice this product. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage mayoccur.IssueIt has been determined that the new Prisma II 2.5G 2:1 bdr-I Receiver has the twochassis ID pins swapped on the main PCB resulting in the module not being ableto communicate with an ICIM or LCM when installed in a chassis configured withan ID ending in 2 through 5. This issue was not observed with chassis IDs endingin 0, 1 and 6-9.