Cisco 7941/7961 IP Telephone Quick Reference GuideTo Answer a Call• Lift Handset, Press Speaker or LineTo Place a Call• Lift Handset or Press Speaker Button, Dialextension or 9 + NumberTo Place a Call to CUMC• Dial *7 plus last 4 digitsTo Place Call on Hold• While on a call, Press Hold (soft key) Toretrieve call, press ResumeTo Transfer a Caller• Press Transf softkey• Dial number (Announce the call)• Press Transf softkey or Hang up.To Create a Conference Call (up to 6 participants)• Press More softkey to get to additional features• Press Confrn• Dial Number and announce conference call• Press ConfrnTo Park a call (while on a call)• Press More softkey to get to additional features• Press Park (Note Park number on display)To retrieve Parked call• Lift handset and dial displayed Park CodeCall Pickup• Lift handset and Press More softkey to get toadditional features• Press Pickup Softkey• Press AnswerCall Forward• Press CfwdAll softkey• Press Messages (to voicemail) or enter anextension or 9+ Number if allowedChange Phone Settings• Press the Setting Button• Select User Preferenceso Select Contrast (up or down and OK)o Select Ring Type (Default ring, selectand OK)Send an incoming call to Voicemail• Press iDivert while call is ringing--UNITY VOICE MAIL--To Set Up Mailbox• Press Messages Button• Enter Default Password (112233) followed by #• Follow voice prompts to record Name and Greeting• Change Password (Must be between 3 and 5numbers long)To Access Voicemail• Press Messages Button• Enter PasswordDuring Message After Message1 Restart 1 Replay2 Save 2 Save3 Delete 3 Delete4 Slow Playback 4 Reply5 Change Message Volume 5 Forward6 Fast Playback 6 Save as New7 Rewind (5 Sec increments) 7 Rewind (5 Sec)8 Pause/Resume *9 Fast Forward (5 Sec increments) 9 Play SummaryTo Leave a Message in Voicemail• Press *, Dial extension• To by-pass Greeting, Press #.To Skip a Message in Voicemail• Press “#” to skip a message in your Voice-mailTo transfer a caller directly into Voicemail• Press Transf softkey• Dial *, then extension number• Press Transf softkey or hang upTo Access Your Mailbox remotely• Dial your Direct Dial Number, when greeting starts,press * then enter your ID (Extension number) followedby # and Password followed by #. Or Dial the BackDoor Number (280-2500) and enter ID and Password.Soft Keys.MessageWaitingLine or Speed Dial ButtonLCDScreenFootstandAdjustmentMessagesDirectoriesServicesSettingsButtonsSpeakerButtonMuteButtonHeadsetButtonVolumeButtonNavigationButtonFor Support Contact:• 280-1111 opt 3•