What This Machine Can Do2-2Before You Start Using the Machine2What This Machine Can DoAll the elements you will ever need in a digitalmultitasking machineCopyingIn addition to basic copying functions,convenient new functions are provided toincrease your productivity, such as ImageCombination, which enables you toautomatically reduce two- or four-page originalsto fit on the selected paper size.(See the Copying Guide.)SendingThe Send function enables you to sendscanned image or document data to file serversor USB memory media or by e-mail or I-fax. Thefunction supports a variety of file formats,including TIFF, JPEG, and PDF (with somevariants) for either black-and-white or colorscans. (The available file formats varydepending on the modes selected and themachine configuration.)These file formats offer you greater flexibility inaccommodating digital workplaceenvironments.(See the Sending and Facsimile Guide.)The imageRUNNER 1750i/1740i/1730i incorporates a rich array of input and outputfeatures that can greatly enhance your efficiency.Equipped with features that meet the needs of document work in a digitized office, theimageRUNNER 1750i/1740i/1730i represents the ultimate in digital multitasking machines.2 on 1 CombinationOriginalI-faxFile ServerE-mailUSB MemoryMediaDownloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals