CAM.MENU SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSECAM.SET UPVCR SET UPDISP.SET UPSYSTEMRETURN135241 To camera set up submenu2 To VCR set up submenu3 To display set up submenu4 To system submenu5 Close main menu22 CAM. MENUSet the POWER switch to .There are 4 submenus within the CAM. MENU.CAMERAList of MenusTurn to the appropriate page for a detailed explanation of each function.40EUsing the FullRange of Features6. Press the selector dial in to select.• The function and its settings only appear.7. Turn the selector dial and move the arrow to the desired setting.• If you are setting a function other than the white balance or shutter speed,the function will be set if you skip to step 11.8. Press the selector dial in to select.• The function is set and you return to the submenu.9. Turn the selector dial and move the arrow to bb RETURN.10.Press the selector dial in to select.• You return to the main menu.11.Press the MENU button.• The main menu disappears.Notes:• Pressing the MENU button at any time closes the menu.• Selecting b RETURN takes you back one menu, or closes the main menu.• Items that are unavailable, due to the settings of other menu items, appear inpurple.• You may often find it convenient to use the wireless controller to move aroundthe menus. Press its MENU button to open/close the menu and use the arrowkeys in place of turning the selector dial. Push the SET button to select.• Pressing the start/stop button or the PHOTO button will close the menu andstart recording.• You can display the menus on a connected TV screen by turning TV SCREEN( 108) on through the menu or using the wireless controller’s TV SCREENbutton. See p. 33 for TV hookup instructions.