Managing Scenes704 Select ( ) [YES] and press ( ).NOTESYou will not be able to delete the last scene ifafter the scene was recorded you changed theoperating mode, turned off the camcorder orremoved the disc.Deleting All ScenesPOINTS TO CHECKDisc type: DVD-RW • VR modeTo delete all the scenes from the originalindex screen, follow the procedure below.This will delete also the whole playlist. Ifyou only want to delete all the scenesfrom the playlist (without affecting theoriginal recordings), press firstand then continue as follows.* When you are deleting the playlist, this menuoption will be replaced by [PLAYLST ALLDEL].Dividing a SceneYou can divide your recordings in order toleave only the best parts and later cut outthe rest. Remember that when you dividescenes in the playlist, you do not affectyour original recordings.NOTESPhotomovie scenes ( 74) and very shortscenes (1 second or less) cannot be divided.POINTS TO CHECKDisc type: DVD-RW • VR modeFrom the original index screen, select( , ) the scene to divide. To divide ascene only in the playlist, pressfirst, and then select the scene.* You can use the following icons and thespecial playback modes ( 40) to bring thescene to a precise point./ : Skip to the beginning of thecurrent/next scene./ : One frame reverse/advance.( 12)FUNC.( 31)MENUDISC OPERATIONSMOVIES ALL DEL*YESPLAYLISTFUNC.FUNC.( 12)FUNC.( 31)DIVIDEPlayback of the scene begins.Press ( ) at the point whereyou want to divide the scene.*DIVIDEYESPLAYLISTFUNC.