Recording38ZoomingPOINTS TO CHECK: In addition to the opticalzoom, the digital zoom is also available( 46).* only.Optical ZoomMove the zoom lever toward W tozoom out (wide-angle). Move it towardT to zoom in (telephoto).You can also change the zoom speed( 46). You can select one of three fixedzoom speeds or a variable speed thatdepends on how you operate the zoomlever: Press gently for a slow zoom; pressharder for faster zooms.NOTESYou can also use the T and Wbuttons on the wireless controller. The zoomspeed with the wireless controller will be thesame as with the camcorder (when one of thefixed zoom speed levels is selected) or fixed at[ SPEED 3] (when [ VARIABLE] isselected).When set to [ VARIABLE], the zoomspeed will be faster in the record pause mode.Keep at least 1 m (3.3 ft.) to the subject. Atwide-angle, you can focus on a subject as closeas 1 cm (0.39 in.).Quick Start FunctionUsing the Quick Start function, you’llnever have to miss out on those greatand fleeting opportunities to take a pictureor record video. When you pressinstead of turning off thecamcorder, you can get it ready to startrecording within approx. 1 second.POINTS TO CHECK: You cannot enter the Quick-Start ready mode while recording.1 Press firmly.• The standby lamp goes on to signalthat the camcorder is Quick-Start ready( 12)Optical zoom 10x 35xDigital zoom* 200x 1,000xZoom outZoom in( 12)QUICK STARTQUICK START