Windows33EUsing Other ZoomBrowser EX FunctionsCamera WindowThe Camera Window opens when a connection to a camcorder is initiated. Stillimages will be displayed as thumbnail (small) images.Buttons are activated when a still image is selected.Task Area[Download image]: Downloads selected still images to the computer.[Print]: Prints selected still images. Menu options: Layout Printand Index Print.[View as slideshow]: Starts a slide show after downloading the selected stillimages to the computer.[Connect to Internet]: Attaches selected still images to an e-mail message.Toolbar[Set]: Adjusts the connection settings and camcorder settings. Menuoptions: Reconnect, Camera Settings, Slide*/DPOF, Add Image(s)and My Camera. (*The Slide function cannot be used.)[Select]: Selects still images. Menu options: Select All, Select New,Select Print mark, Select Send mark, Select Slide Show markand Invert Selection.[Deselect]: Deselects still images.[Rotate]: Rotates still images. Menu options: 90 degree left, 90 degreeright and 180 degree.[Delete]: Deletes selected still images.[Properties]: Displays image information (such as shooting date/time andimage size).[Help]: Displays help topics.ThumbnailsStill images are displayedin reduced size.Indicates that it has beendownloaded to a computer.Task Area Toolbar