COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON ADF FOR iR600 REV.0 JAN. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 2-5CHAPTER 2 OPERATIONSTable 2-201II . BASIC OPERATIONSA. OutlineThe machine uses five motors and one clutch for picking up, separating, feeding, and deliveringoriginals.Name (notation)Reversal motor (M1)Belt motor (M2)Pickup motor (M3)Separation motor (M4)Delivery motor (M5)Separation clutch (CL)FunctionMoves or reverses originals.Moves originals.Moves up/down the pickup roller.Separates originals.Delivers originals or picks up manually fed originals.Disengages or engages the pull-out rollerand separation/feeding assembly drive system.