COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON ADF FOR iR600 REV.0 JAN. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 5-27CHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTINGJ1J2J5J3 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11J14J13J12J4FU2FU1SW1LED2IC1SW4SW3SW2IC2Figure 5-1582. Replacing the EEPROMPerform the following when replacing theADF controller PCB.1) Remove the EEPROM (IC2) from the faultyADF controller PCB.2) Mount the EEPROM removed in step 1) tothe new ADF controller PCB.Reference:The EEPROM of the new ADF controllerPCB will not be used.3) Turn on the copier, and check to make surethat it does not indicate 'E420'.4) If the copier indicates 'E420', mount theEEPROM removed from the new ADF con-troller back to the new ADF controller PCB.5) Perform "adjusting the sensor and the deliv-ery motor."