vmo2006-016-002_aIGNITION SWITCH POSITIONS1. OFF2. ON "with light"3. ON "without light"Insert key in switch and turn to thedesired position. To remove key, turnkey to OFF position then pull it out.NOTE: When turning the key to OFFposition and removing the key, the ve-hicle electrical system will take a fewseconds to shut down.The ON with lights position, turns onall lights with either the engine run-ning or not. Remember that havingthe lights on without the engine run-ning discharges the battery. Alwaysturn ignition key to OFF position afterengine has been stopped.NOTE: While engine can be stoppedby turning ignition key to OFF posi-tion, we recommend the engine bestopped by the engine stop switch.Digitally Encoded SecuritySystem (DESS™)The ignition key specifically containsan electronic circuit that gives it aunique electronic serial number.This ignition key cannot be used on an-other vehicle and conversely, the onefrom another vehicle cannot be usedon your vehicle except if it was pro-grammed this way.However, the DESS brings a great flex-ibility. You can buy an additional igni-tion key and have it programmed foryour vehicle.To have additional ignition key, refer toan authorized Can-Am dealer.10) Fuel Tank CapCAUTION: Never place anythingover fuel tank cap because the venthole on the top of fuel tank cap canbe blocked and the engine couldmisfire.Unscrew counterclockwise and re-move cap to allow fuel tank filling thenfully tighten clockwise. WARNINGAlways stop engine before re-fueling. Open cap slowly. If adifferential pressure condition isnoticed (whistling sound heardwhen loosening fuel tank cap)have vehicle inspected and/or re-paired before further operation.Fuel is flammable and explosiveunder certain conditions. Neveruse an open flame to check fuellevel. Never smoke or allow flameor spark in vicinity. Always workin a well-ventilated area. Nevertop up the fuel tank before plac-ing the vehicle in a warm area.As temperature increases, fuel ex-pands and may overflow. Alwayswipe off any fuel spillage from thevehicle.11) Brake PedalWhen pressed down, the rear brakeis applied. When released, the brakepedal should return to its original posi-tion. Braking effect is proportional tothe force applied on the pedal and tothe type and condition of the terrain.74 ______________________