5TYPICAL1. Brake lever2. To apply brakes4) Parking BrakeWhen applied, it prevents the vehiclefrom moving. Useful when the brakeneeds to be locked for example whendoing a K-turn, during transportation orwhen the vehicle is not in operation. WARNINGAlways use the parking brake andengage the PARK position on thetransmission lever when the vehi-cle is not in operation. WARNINGMake sure parking brake is fullydisengaged before operating thevehicle.When you ride the vehicle, brakesthat are caused to drag by a con-tinuous pressure on the lever maycause damage to the brake systemand cause loss of braking capacityand/or fire.To engage mechanism: Squeezebrake lever and maintain while mov-ing lever lock. Brake lever is nowcompressed and applying all brakes. 5TYPICAL1. Brake lever lock2. Press to apply parking brakesTo release mechanism: Squeezebrake lever. Lever lock should auto-matically return to its original position.Brake lever should return to rest po-sition. Always release parking brakebefore riding.5) Transmission LeverA 5-position lever: P, R, N, H and L.To change the transmission position,completely stop vehicle then movelever to the desired position. Do notforce lever. If unable to shift, rockthe vehicle back and forth to movethe gears in the transmission and tryagain.vmo2006-007-007SHIFT PATTERN66 ______________________