Black plate (11,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2012Keys, Doors, and Windows 2-11Obstacle Detection FeaturesIf the liftgate encounters an obstacleduring a power open or close cycle,a warning chime will sound and theliftgate will automatically reversedirection to the full closed or openposition. After removing theobstruction, the power liftgateoperation can be used again.If the liftgate encounters multipleobstacles on the same power cycle,the power function will deactivate,and you must manually open orclose the liftgate. The REARACCESS OPEN warning messagein the Driver Information Center(DIC) will indicate that the liftgateis open. After removing theobstructions, manually open theliftgate to the full open position orclose the liftgate to the fully closedand latched position. The liftgatewill now resume normal poweroperation.Pinch sensors are located on thesides of the liftgate. If an object iscaught between the liftgate and thebody and presses against thissensor, the liftgate will reversedirection and open fully. The liftgatewill remain open until it is activatedagain or closed manually. Do notforce the liftgate open or closedduring a power cycle.Manual Operation of PowerLiftgateTo change the liftgate to manualoperation, press the switch on theoverhead console to the OFFposition.With the power liftgate disabled andall of the doors unlocked, the liftgatecan be manually opened andclosed.To open the liftgate, press the touchpad on the handle on the outside ofthe liftgate, and lift the gate open.To close the liftgate, use the pullcup to lower the liftgate and close.The liftgate latch will power close.Always close the liftgate beforedriving.If the RKE button or the power closebutton on the liftgate is pressedwhile power operation is disabled,the lamps will flash three times, butthe liftgate will not move.It is not recommended that youdrive with the liftgate open,however, if you must drive with theliftgate open, the liftgate should beset to manual operation by pressingthe OFF switch on the centerconsole.The liftgate has an electric latch.If the battery is disconnected or haslow voltage, the liftgate will notopen. The liftgate will resumeoperation when the battery isreconnected and charged.If the battery is properly connectedwith adequate voltage, the switch isnot disabled, and the liftgate still willnot function, your vehicle should betaken to a dealer for service.