Black plate (10,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20122-10 Keys, Doors, and WindowsThe taillamps will flash and a chimewill sound when the power liftgate ismoving.{ WARNINGYou or others could be injured ifcaught in the path of the powerliftgate. Make sure there is no onein the way of the liftgate as it isopening and closing.Notice: If you open the liftgatewithout checking for overheadobstructions such as a garagedoor, you could damage theliftgate or the liftgate glass.Always check to make sure thearea above and behind the liftgateis clear before opening it.The power liftgate can be poweropened and closed in thefollowing ways:. Press and hold 8 on theRemote Keyless Entry (RKE)transmitter until the liftgate startsmoving. See Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) System Operationon page 2‑3.. Press 8 on the overheadconsole.. Press the touch pad on theoutside liftgate handle.Pressing the buttons, or touch padswitch a second time while theliftgate is moving reverses thedirection.l : The liftgate can also beclosed by pressing this button nextto the liftgate latch.Press the button a second timeduring liftgate operation to reversethat operation.The power liftgate may betemporarily disabled under extremetemperatures, or under low batteryconditions. If this occurs, the liftgatecan still be operated manually.If the transmission is shifted out ofP (Park) while the power functionis in progress, the liftgate powerfunction will continue to completion.If the transmission is shifted out ofP (Park) and the vehicle acceleratesbefore the power liftgate latchesclosed, the liftgate may reverse tothe open position. Cargo could fallout of the vehicle. Always makesure the power liftgate is closed andlatched before you drive away.If you power open the liftgate andthe liftgate support struts have lostpressure, the lamps will flash and achime will sound. The liftgate willstay open temporarily, then slowlyclose. See your dealer for servicebefore using the liftgate.