Black plate (40,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20129-40 Driving and OperatingThe controller then sends signalsto each shock absorber toindependently adjust the dampinglevel to provide the optimumvehicle ride.RSS also interacts with the tow/haulmode that, when engaged, willprovide additional control of theshock absorbers. This additionalcontrol results in better ride andhandling characteristics when thevehicle is loaded or towing a trailer.See “Tow/Haul Mode” under TowingEquipment on page 9‑64.Continuous DampingControl (CDC)This vehicle may have a continuousdamping control system calledAutoride ® or MagneRide™. Withthis feature, improved vehicle rideand handling is provided under avariety of passenger and loadingconditions.Autoride and MagneRide are fullyautomatic and use a computercontroller to continuously monitorvehicle speed, wheel to bodyposition, lift/dive and steeringposition of the vehicle. Thecontroller then sends signalsto each shock absorber toindependently adjust the dampinglevel to provide the optimumvehicle ride.Autoride and MagneRide alsointeract with the tow/haul modethat, when activated, will provideadditional control of the shockabsorbers. This additional controlresults in better ride and handlingcharacteristics when the vehicle isloaded or towing a trailer. See “Tow/Haul Mode” under Trailer Towing onpage 9‑61 for more information.Automatic Level ControlThe automatic level control rearsuspension is available on light‐dutyvehicles and comes as a part of theContinuous Damping Control (CDC)suspension, if equipped.This type of level control is fullyautomatic and will provide a betterleveled riding position as well asbetter handling under a variety ofpassenger and loading conditions.An air compressor connected to therear shocks will raise or lower therear of the vehicle to maintainproper vehicle height. The systemis activated when the ignition keyis turned to ON/RUN and willautomatically adjust vehicle heightthereafter. The system may exhaust(lower vehicle height) for up toten minutes after the ignition keyhas been turned off. You may hearthe air compressor operating whenthe height is being adjusted.If a weight‐distributing hitch is beingused, it is recommended to allowthe shocks to inflate, therebyleveling the vehicle prior to adjustingthe hitch.