Black plate (56,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20127-56 Infotainment SystemRear Seat Audio (RSA)SystemVehicles with this feature allow therear seat passengers to listen toand control any of the musicsources: radio, CD, DVD, or otherauxiliary sources. The rear seatpassengers can control the samemusic sources the front seatpassengers are listening to(dual control) or a different source.For example, rear seat passengerscan listen to and control a CDthrough the headphones, while thedriver listens to the radio throughthe speakers. The rear seatpassengers have control of thevolume for each set of headphones.The radio functionality is controlledby both the RSA and the front radio,only one band can be tuned to atone time. Changing the band on theRSA or the front radio will changeband on the other system.RSA functions can be operatedeven when the main radio is off.Audio can be heard through wiredheadphones (not included) pluggedinto the jacks on the RSA. If thevehicle has this feature, audio canalso be heard on Channel 2 of thewireless headphones.The audio system allows the rearspeakers to continue playing evenwhen the RSA audio is activethrough the headphones.To listen to an iPod or portableaudio device through the RSA,attach the iPod or portable audiodevice to the auxiliary input (ifavailable), located below the RSA.Turn the iPod on, then choose theauxiliary input with the RSA SRCEbutton. An iPod ® or portable audiodevice can be connected to the frontauxiliary jack or the USB port.P (Power): Press the P button toturn RSA on and off.Volume: Turn this knob to increaseor to decrease the volume of thewired headphones. The left knobcontrols the left headphones andthe right knob controls the rightheadphones.SRCE (Source): Press thisbutton to switch between the radio(AM/FM), XM™ (if equipped),CD, and if the vehicle has thesefeatures, DVD, USB, auxiliary jack,and rear auxiliary.