Black plate (16,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20125-16 Instruments and ControlsIf it does not, have the vehicleserviced by your dealer.The light should go out oncethe engine starts. If it stays on,or comes on while driving, therecould be a problem with thecharging system. A charging systemmessage in the Driver InformationCenter (DIC) can also appear.See Battery Voltage and ChargingMessages on page 5‑29 for moreinformation. This light could indicatethat there are problems with agenerator drive belt, or that thereis an electrical problem. Have itchecked right away. If the vehiclemust be driven a short distance withthe light on, turn off accessories,such as the radio and airconditioner.If the vehicle is a hybrid, see thehybrid supplement for moreinformation.MalfunctionIndicator LampA computer system called OBD II(On-Board Diagnostics-SecondGeneration) monitors the operationof the vehicle to ensure emissionsare at acceptable levels, to producea cleaner environment. This lightcomes on when the vehicle isplaced in ON/RUN, as a check toshow it is working. If it does not,have the vehicle serviced by yourdealer. See Ignition Positions onpage 9‑22 for more information.If the malfunction indicator lampcomes on and stays on while theengine is running, this indicates thatthere is an OBD II problem andservice is required.Malfunctions often are indicated bythe system before any problem isapparent. Being aware of the lightcan prevent more serious damageto the vehicle. This system assiststhe service technician in correctlydiagnosing any malfunction.Notice: If the vehicle iscontinually driven with this lighton, the emission controls mightnot work as well, the vehicle fueleconomy might not be as good,and the engine might not run assmoothly. This could lead tocostly repairs that might not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Notice: Modifications madeto the engine, transmission,exhaust, intake, or fuel systemof the vehicle or the replacementof the original tires with otherthan those of the same TirePerformance Criteria (TPC) canaffect the vehicle's emissioncontrols and can cause this lightto come on. Modifications tothese systems could lead tocostly repairs not covered by the