This can happen if you have recently replaced yourbattery or if your battery has run down. The diagnosticsystem is designed to evaluate critical emissioncontrol systems during normal driving. This may takeseveral days of routine driving. If you have done this andyour vehicle still does not pass the inspection for lackof OBD system readiness, your GM dealer can preparethe vehicle for inspection.Oil Pressure GageThe oil pressure gage shows the engine oil pressure inpsi (pounds per square inch) when the engine isrunning. Canadian vehicles indicate pressure in kPa(kilopascals).Oil pressure may vary with engine speed, outsidetemperature and oil viscosity, but readings above thelow pressure zone indicate the normal operating range.A reading in the low pressure zone may be causedby a dangerously low oil level or some other problemcausing low oil pressure. Check your oil as soonas possible. See DIC Warnings and Messages onpage 3-57.{CAUTION:Do not keep driving if the oil pressure is low. Ifyou do, your engine can become so hot that itcatches fire. You or others could be burned.Check your oil as soon as possible and haveyour vehicle serviced.Notice: Lack of proper engine oil maintenance maydamage the engine. The repairs would not becovered by your warranty. Always follow themaintenance schedule in this manual for changingengine oil.United States Canada3-44