Using Cruise Control on HillsHow well your cruise control will work on hills dependsupon your speed, load and the steepness of thehills. When going up steep hills, you may want to stepon the accelerator pedal to maintain your speed.When going downhill, you may have to brake or shift toa lower gear to keep your speed down. Of course,applying the brake takes you out of cruise control. Manydrivers find this to be too much trouble and don’t usecruise control on steep hills.Ending Cruise ControlThere are four ways to turn off the cruise control:• Step lightly on the brake pedal,• move the cruise control switch to off, or• shift the transmission to NEUTRAL (N).• If your vehicle has the Stabilitrak® feature, cruisecontrol will turn off if road conditions causeStabilitrak ® to activate.• If the accelerator pedal is held for 60 seconds orlonger, cruise control will turn off.Erasing Speed MemoryWhen you turn off the cruise control or the ignition, yourcruise control set speed memory is erased.Exterior LampsThe control on the driver’s side of your instrument paneloperates the exterior lamps.The exterior lamp control has four positions:9(Off): Turn the knob to this position and release itto turn off all exterior lamps including the DRLs. To turnany lamps back on when in the off mode, turn theknob to the desired lamp mode. To return to the AUTOmode, turn the knob to the off position and releaseit. The off mode will also cancel and the lamps will returnto the AUTO when the vehicle is turned off. Thismode is not available for vehicles first sold in Canada.3-13