Black plate (41,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual - 2013 - crc2 - 8/22/12Driving and Operating 9-41Ending Cruise ControlThere are four ways to end cruisecontrol:. Step lightly on the brake pedal(manual and automatictransmissions).. Press the clutch pedal to thefloor (manual transmissions).. Press [ on the steering wheel.. To turn off the cruise control,press I on the steering wheel.Erasing Speed MemoryThe cruise control set speed iserased from memory by pressingI or if the ignition is turned off.Object DetectionSystemsUltrasonic Parking AssistIf available, the Ultrasonic RearParking Assist (URPA) systemassists the driver with parking andavoiding objects while inR (Reverse). URPA operates atspeeds less than 8 km/h (5 mph).The sensors on the rear bumperdetect objects up to 2.5 m (8 ft)behind the vehicle, and at least25 cm (10 in) off the ground.{ WARNINGThe URPA system does notdetect children, pedestrians,bicyclists, animals, or objectsbelow the bumper or that are tooclose or too far from the vehicle.It is not available at speedsgreater than 8 km/h (5 mph). Toprevent injury, death, or vehicle(Continued)WARNING (Continued)damage, even with URPA, alwayscheck the area around the vehicleand check all mirrors beforebacking.How the System WorksURPA comes on automatically whenthe shift lever is moved intoR (Reverse). A single tone soundsto indicate the system is working.URPA operates only at speeds lessthan 8 km/h (5 mph).An obstacle is indicated by audiblebeeps. The interval between thebeeps becomes shorter as thevehicle gets closer to the obstacle.When the distance is less than30 cm (12 in), the beeping is acontinuous tone for five seconds.To be detected, objects must be atleast 25 cm (10 in) off the groundand below trunk or liftgate level.Objects must also be within 2.5 m