Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9159314) - 2016 - crc - 6/25/15Seats and Restraints 89Your dealer and the service manualhave information about the locationof the airbag sensors, sensing anddiagnostic module, and airbagwiring.In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing system thatincludes sensors as part of the frontoutboard passenger seat. Thepassenger sensing system may notoperate properly if the original seattrim is replaced with non-GMcovers, upholstery, or trim; or withGM covers, upholstery, or trimdesigned for a different vehicle. Anyobject, such as an aftermarket seatheater or a comfort-enhancing pador device, installed under or on topof the seat fabric, could alsointerfere with the operation of thepassenger sensing system. Thiscould either prevent properdeployment of the passengerairbag(s) or prevent the passengersensing system from properlyturning off the passenger airbag(s).See Passenger Sensing System0 84.If the vehicle has rollover roof-railairbags, see Different Size Tiresand Wheels 0 315 for additionalimportant information.If you have to modify your vehiclebecause you have a disability andyou have questions about whetherthe modifications will affect thevehicle's airbag system, or if youhave questions about whether theairbag system will be affected if thevehicle is modified for any otherreason, call Customer Assistance.See Customer Assistance Offices0 365.Airbag System CheckThe airbag system does not needregularly scheduled maintenance orreplacement. Make sure the airbagreadiness light is working. SeeAirbag Readiness Light 0 130.CautionIf an airbag covering is damaged,opened, or broken, the airbagmay not work properly. Do not(Continued)Caution (Continued)open or break the airbagcoverings. If there are anyopened or broken airbagcoverings, have the airbagcovering and/or airbag modulereplaced. For the location of theairbags, see Where Are theAirbags? 0 79. See your dealerfor service.Replacing Airbag SystemParts after a Crash{ WarningA crash can damage the airbagsystems in the vehicle.A damaged airbag system maynot work properly and may notprotect you and yourpassenger(s) in a crash, resultingin serious injury or even death. Tohelp make sure the airbagsystems are working properly(Continued)