Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9159314) - 2016 - crc - 6/25/15272 Vehicle CareIf the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 mi)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Engine OilLife SystemReset the system whenever theengine oil is changed so that thesystem can calculate the nextengine oil change. To reset thesystem:1. Using the DIC controls on theright side of the steering wheel,display OIL LIFE on the DIC.See Driver Information Center(DIC) 0 140. When remainingoil life is low, the CHANGEENGINE OIL SOON messagewill appear on the display. SeeEngine Oil Messages 0 149.2. Press SEL on the DIC controlsand hold SEL down for a fewseconds to clear the CHANGEENGINE OIL SOON messageand reset the oil life at 100%.Be careful not to reset the oillife display accidentally at anytime other than after the oil ischanged. It cannot be resetaccurately until the next oilchange.The oil life system can also be resetas follows:1. Turn the ignition on with theengine off.2. Fully press and release theaccelerator pedal three timeswithin five seconds.If the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message is not on, thesystem is reset.The system is reset when theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage is off.If the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage comes back on when thevehicle is started, the engine oil lifesystem has not been reset. Repeatthe procedure.Automatic TransmissionFluidWhen to Check and ChangeAutomatic Transmission FluidIt is usually not necessary to checkthe transmission fluid level. The onlyreason for fluid loss is atransmission leak or overheatedtransmission. This vehicle is notequipped with a transmission fluidlevel dipstick. There is a specialprocedure for checking andchanging the transmission fluid inthese vehicles. Because thisprocedure is difficult, this should bedone at the dealer. Contact thedealer for additional information orthe procedure can be found in theservice manual. See ServicePublications Ordering Information0 372.CautionUse of the incorrect automatictransmission fluid may damagethe vehicle, and the damage may(Continued)