Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9159314) - 2016 - crc - 6/25/15208 Driving and OperatingShifting Into Park{ WarningIt can be dangerous to get out ofthe vehicle if the shift lever is notfully in P (Park) with the parkingbrake firmly set. The vehicle canroll. If you have left the enginerunning, the vehicle can movesuddenly. You or others could beinjured. To be sure the vehicle willnot move, even when you are onfairly level ground, use the stepsthat follow. If the vehicle has afour-wheel drive transfer casewith a N (Neutral) position, andthe transfer case is in N (Neutral),the vehicle will be free to roll,even if the shift lever is inP (Park). Be sure the transfercase is in a drive gear. If towing atrailer, see Driving Characteristicsand Towing Tips 0 253.1. Hold the brake pedal down,then set the parking brake.See Parking Brake 0 221.2. Move the shift lever into theP (Park) position by pulling theshift lever toward you andmoving it up as far as it will go.3. Be sure the transfer case is ina drive gear — not inN (Neutral).4. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.Leaving the Vehicle with theEngine Running{ WarningIt can be dangerous to leave thevehicle with the engine running.The vehicle could move suddenlyif the shift lever is not fully inP (Park) with the parking brakefirmly set.If you have four-wheel drive andthe transfer case is in N (Neutral),the vehicle will be free to roll,even if the shift lever is inP (Park). So be sure the transfercase is in a drive gear — not inN (Neutral).(Continued)Warning (Continued)And, if you leave the vehicle withthe engine running, it couldoverheat and even catch fire. Youor others could be injured. Do notleave the vehicle with the enginerunning unless you have to.If you have to leave the vehicle withthe engine running, be sure thevehicle is in P (Park) and theparking brake is firmly set beforeyou leave it. After you move the shiftlever into P (Park), hold the regularbrake pedal down. Then, see if youcan move the shift lever away fromP (Park) without first pulling it towardyou. If you can, it means that theshift lever was not fully locked intoP (Park).Torque LockIf you are parking on a hill and youdo not shift the transmission intoP (Park) properly, the weight of thevehicle may put too much force onthe parking pawl in thetransmission. You may find it difficult