Black plate (7,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 2012Seats and Restraints 3-7If something has blocked the driverseat while recalling the exit position,the recall may stop. Remove theobstruction; then press and hold thepower seat control rearward fortwo seconds. Try recalling the exitposition again. If the exit position isstill not recalling, see your dealer forservice.See Vehicle Personalization onpage 5‑36 for more information.Heated and VentilatedFront Seats{ WARNINGIf you cannot feel temperaturechange or pain to the skin, theseat heater may cause burnseven at low temperatures. Toreduce the risk of burns, peoplewith such a condition should usecare when using the seat heater,especially for long periods oftime. Do not place anything onthe seat that insulates againstheat, such as a blanket, cushion,cover, or similar item. Thismay cause the seat heater tooverheat. An overheated seatheater may cause a burn or maydamage the seat.The buttons are on the climatecontrol panel.{ (Cooled Seat): Press to coolthe seat.+ (Heated Seatback): Press toheat the seatback.z (Heated Seat and Seatback):Press to heat seat and seatback.InformationProvidedby: