Black plate (18,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 201213-18 Customer InformationReporting SafetyDefectsReporting Safety Defectsto the United StatesGovernmentIf you believe that your vehiclehas a defect which could causea crash or could cause injury ordeath, you should immediatelyinform the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) in addition to notifyingGeneral Motors.If NHTSA receives similarcomplaints, it may open aninvestigation, and if it finds thata safety defect exists in a groupof vehicles, it may order a recalland remedy campaign.However, NHTSA cannotbecome involved in individualproblems between you, yourdealer, or General Motors.To contact NHTSA, you may callthe Vehicle Safety Hotlinetoll-free at 1-888-327-4236(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to; orwrite to:Administrator, NHTSA1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.Washington, D.C. 20590You can also obtain otherinformation about motorvehicle safety from Safety Defectsto the CanadianGovernmentIf you live in Canada, and youbelieve that the vehicle has a safetydefect, notify Transport Canadaimmediately, and notify GeneralMotors of Canada Limited. CallTransport Canada at1-800-333-0510 or write to:Transport CanadaRoad Safety Branch80 rue NoelGatineau, QC J8Z 0A1InformationProvidedby: