Black plate (19,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 2012In Brief 1-19Power OutletsAccessory power outlets can beused to plug in electrical equipment,such as a cell phone or MP3 player.One accessory power outlet islocated inside the center floorconsole. Lift up on the lower latchlocated at the front of the console lidto access the accessory poweroutlet.There may also be an accessorypower outlet located on the rear ofthe center floor console above thecupholder.The accessory power outlets arepowered, even when the ignition isin LOCK/OFF. Continuing to usepower outlets while the ignition is inLOCK/OFF may cause the vehicle'sbattery to run down.See Power Outlets on page 5‑7.Universal Remote SystemVehicles with the Universal RemoteSystem will have these buttonslocated in the headliner.This system provides a way toreplace up to three remote controltransmitters used to activatedevices such as garage dooropeners, security systems, andhome automation devices.Read the instructions completelybefore attempting to program thetransmitter. Because of the stepsinvolved, it may be helpful to haveanother person assist withprogramming the transmitter.See Universal Remote System onpage 5‑44.Performance andMaintenanceStabiliTrak ® SystemThe vehicle has a traction controlsystem that limits wheel spin andthe StabiliTrak system that assistswith directional control of the vehiclein difficult driving conditions. Bothsystems turn on automatically everytime the vehicle is started.. To turn off traction control, pressand release g on the instrumentpanel. The appropriate DICmessage displays. See RideControl System Messages onpage 5‑32.. To turn off both traction controland StabiliTrak, press and holdg until g illuminates and theappropriate DIC messagedisplays. See Ride ControlSystem Messages on page 5‑32.InformationProvidedby: