Automatic Dimming Mirror OperationThe automatic dimming mirror function is turnedon automatically each time the ignition is started. Tooperate the automatic dimming mirror, do the following:1. Make sure the green indicator light, located to the leftof the on/off button, is lit. If it is not, press and holdthe on/off button for approximately six seconds untilthe green light comes on, indicating that the mirror isin automatic dimming mode.2. Turn off the automatic dimming mirror function bypressing and holding the on/off button forapproximately six seconds, until the green indicatorlight turns off.Compass VarianceThe mirror is set in zone eight upon leaving the factory.It will be necessary to adjust the compass tocompensate for compass variance if the vehicle isoutside of zone eight. Under certain circumstances, asduring a long distance cross-country trip, it will benecessary to adjust for compass variance. Compassvariance is the difference between earth’s magneticnorth and true geographic north. If not adjustedto account for compass variance, the compass couldgive false readings.To adjust for compass variance, do the following:1. Find your current location and variance zonenumber on the following zone map.2. Press and hold the on/off button until a Z and azone number appears in the display. The compassis now in zone mode.3. Keep pressing the on/off button until the desiredzone number appears in the display. Release thebutton. After approximately four seconds ofinactivity, the new zone number will be locked inand the compass/temperature display will return.4. Calibrate the compass as described next.2-44