4-28Q: What if I’m driving across an incline that’s nottoo steep, but I hit some loose gravel and start toslide downhill. What should I do?A: If you feel your vehicle starting to slide sideways,turn downhill. This should help straighten out thevehicle and prevent the side slipping. However, amuch better way to prevent this is to get out and“walk the course” so you know what the surface islike before you drive it.Stalling on an InclineIf your vehicle stalls when you’re crossing an incline,be sure you (and your passengers) get out on the uphillside, even if the door there is harder to open. If you getout on the downhill side and the vehicle starts to rollover, you’ll be right in its path.If you have to walk down the slope, stay out of the paththe vehicle will take if it does roll over. CAUTION:Getting out on the downhill (low) side of a vehiclestopped across an incline is dangerous. If thevehicle rolls over, you could be crushed or killed.Always get out on the uphill (high) side of thevehicle and stay well clear of the rollover path.