2-60OnStar MED- NET: Med - Net can store your personalmedical history and provide it to emergency personnelif necessary. (Requires activation and an additional fee.)Accident Assist: An advisor can provide step - by- stepguidance following an accident.Remote Door Unlock: To contact the center, call1- 888- 4- ONSTAR. You will be required to provideyour security information. An advisor will send acommand to your vehicle to unlock itself. The advisorcan delay unlocking your vehicle. Remote Door Unlockis disabled 48 hours after the vehicle is parked tomaintain the battery charge.Vehicle Locator Service: To contact the center, call1- 888- 4- ONSTAR. You will be required to provideyour security information. An advisor will send acommand to your vehicle to sound the horn and/orflash the lamps.In order to provide you with excellent service, calls withthe OnStar Center may be monitored or recorded.Premium Services (Includes Safety andSecurity Services)Route Support: An advisor can provide directions orguidance to anywhere you want to go. In addition, theycan help you locate gas stations, rest areas, ATMs,hospitals, hotels, stores, eateries and more.Concierge Services: The concierge advisor can obtaintickets, reservations or help with vacation/trip planningand other unique items and services.Ride Assist: An advisor can locate transportation in theevent that you are unable to drive.OnStar System LimitationsComplete limitations can be found on the subscriberservices agreement.OnStar Service is: available in the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska,Hawaii and Canada; available when the vehicle is within the operatingrange of a cellular provider;