viiiVehicle Damage WarningsAlso, in this book you will find these notices:NOTICE:These mean there is something that could damageyour vehicle.In the notice area, we tell you about something that candamage your vehicle. Many times, this damage wouldnot be covered by your warranty, and it could be costly.But the notice will tell you what to do to help avoidthe damage.When you read other manuals, you might seeCAUTION and NOTICE warnings in differentcolors or in different words.You’ll also see warning labels on your vehicle.They use the same words, CAUTION or NOTICE.Vehicle SymbolsYour vehicle may be equipped with components andlabels that use symbols instead of text. Symbols, used onyour vehicle, are shown along with the text describingthe operation or information relating to a specificcomponent, control, message, gage or indicator.If you need help figuring out a specific name of acomponent, gage or indicator reference the followingtopics in the index: “Engine Compartment Overview” “Instrument Panel” “Comfort Controls” “Audio Systems”Also see “Warning Lights and Gages” in the Index.Here are some examples of symbols you may find onyour vehicle: