Integrus Testing | en 65Bosch Security Systems B.V. Installation and Operation manual IOM-INT | V1.1 | 2010.128 Testing8.1 Integrus TransmitterThe Monitoring sub-menu (2) on the transmitter is used to set which signal is sent to themonitoring headphone output. It can be one of the inputs, one of the channels or no signal,see also section 7.2.2 .Use the monitoring headphone of the transmitter to check the input audio signal in thetransmitter, before it is sent to the receivers.When the sensitivity of one of the inputs is being changed in the Setup menu (4I, 4J or 4K), orwhen assigning inputs to channels (menu 4D, Per Channel), the monitoring outputautomatically switches temporarily to that source, even when the option 'None' has beenchosen. When the headphone output is disabled (see section 7.2.12 ), the output level cannot be changed and the level indicator is not visible.The 'Source/volume' screen also displays level meters (two for a stereo source, one for amono source) for a visual indication of the actual signal strength: = low level, = high level,= overflow.8.2 Integrus ReceiverThe receivers can be switched to a test-mode to get an indication of the reception quality foreach carrier separately. To activate the test-mode: Push the channel selector to the Up-position, press the on/off button and hold both for ca. 2 seconds. When in test-mode, switchbetween carriers by using the channel selector.For each carrier the display shows a relative value of the signal strength, Figure ofMerit(FOM), and a graphical quality indication symbol.The reception quality can be assessed as follows:Menu Item Option Value 1 Value 2 Description2A Source/VolumeSource:- In. nn Input nr:00 ... 31Volume:-31 ... 0 dBThe signal from audio input nn isavailable on the monitoring headphoneoutput.- Ch. nn Channel nr:00 ...31Volume:-31 ... 0 dBThe signal on channel nn is available onthe monitoring headphone output.- Aux.L Volume:-31 ... 0 dBThe signal on the Aux. Left input isavailable on the monitoring headphoneoutput.Aux.R Volume:-31 ... 0 dBThe signal on the Aux. Right input isavailable on the monitoring headphoneoutput.- None Volume:-31 ... 0 dBThe monitoring headphone output isswitched off during normal operation,but is active when the sensitivity of oneof the inputs is being changed.