Black & Decker Workmate 225 Type 6 Instruction Manual
Also see for WM225 type 6: User manual
FRAMECADREBASTIDORREAR JAWMÂCHOIRE ARRIÈREMORDAZA TRASERAA.C.B.FRONT JAWMÂCHOIRE AVANTMORDAZA FRONTALD.VISE SCREWVIS D’ÉTAUESPARRAGO E.PIVOT NUTÉCROU DE PIVOTTUERCA DE GIROF.VISE CRANKMANIVELLE D’ÉTAUMANIVELA DE LA PRENSAG.CRANK HANDLEPOIGNÉE DE MANIVELLEASA DE LA MANIVELAH.SWIVEL PEGSMORDACHES ORIENTABLESTOPES GIRATORIOS J.SOCKET WRENCHCLÉ À DOUILEDADOK.FRONT TOP BLOCKSCALES SUPÉRIEURES AVANTBLOQUES DE REMATE FRONTALESL.REAR TOP BLOCKSCALES SUPÉRIEURES ARRIÈREBLOQUES DE REMATE TRASEROSM.BOLTSBOULONSTORNILLOSN.PINSCHEVILLESPERNOSP.WASHERSRONDELLESARANDELASO.RUBBER FEETBOUT DE CAOUTCHOUCREGATONES DE GOMAFRAMECADREBASTIDORREAR JAWMÂCHOIRE ARRIÈREMORDAZA TRASERAA.C.B.FRONT JAWMÂCHOIRE AVANTMORDAZA FRONTALD.VISE SCREWVIS D’ÉTAUESPARRAGOE.PIVOT NUTÉCROU DE PIVOTTUERCA DE GIROF.VISE CRANKMANIVELLE D’ÉTAUMANIVELA DE LA PRENSAH.SWIVEL PEGSMORDACHES ORIENTABLESTOPES GIRATORIOSI.SOCKET WRENCHCLÉ À DOUILEDADOJ.FRONT TOP BLOCKSCALES SUPÉRIEURES AVANTBLOQUES DE REMATE FRONTALESK.REAR TOP BLOCKSCALES SUPÉRIEURES ARRIÈREBLOQUES DE REMATE TRASEROSL.BOLTSBOULONSTORNILLOSM.PINSCHEVILLESPERNOSN.RUBBER FEETBOUT DE CAOUTCHOUCREGATONES DE GOMAG.CRANK HANDLEPOIGNÉE DE MANIVELLEASA DE LA MANIVELAO.WASHERSRONDELLESARANDELASThank you for choosing Black & Decker! To register your new product go reaD BefOre reTurNiNg This PrODucT fOr aNy reasON.if you have a question or experience a problem with your Black & Decker purchase,go to you can’t find the answer or do not have access to the internet,call 1-800-544-6986 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. esT Mon. - fri. to speak with an agent.Please have the catalog number available when you This MaNual fOr fuTure refereNce.vea el esPaNOl eN la cONTraPOrTaDa.iNsTrucTivO De OPeraciÓN, ceNTrOs De serviciO y PÓliZa De garaNTÍa.aDverTeNcia: lÉase esTe iNsTrucTivO aNTes De usar el PrODucTO.Workmate® 225 tYPe 6INSTRUCTION MANUALCatalog NumberWM225 TyPe 6CRANKMANIVELLEMANIVELAFOOTREST (NO STEP)REPOSE-PIED (PAS UN MARCHEPIED)DESCANSO PARA LOS PIES (NO ESCALON)FOLDING LEGSPIEDS ESCAMOTABLESPATAS PLEGABLESSNAP-IN KNOBSBOUTONS À ENCLENCHERMANGOS DE LA MANIVELAFRONT VISE JAWM Â CHOIRE AVANTMORDAZA FRONTALREAR JAWM Â CHOIRE ARRIÈREMORDAZA TRASERARELEASE LEVERLEVIER DE D ÉCLENCHEMENTPALANCA DE LIBERACIÓNIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1. Do not load with more than 450 pounds.2. Do not apply an unbalanced load which could cause the work center to tip over.3. Do not use the work center as a stepladder or standing platform. Do not use the lowerplatform as a step when the work center is in “Workbench” position. The footboard is afoot REST only.4. Do not store work center outdoors or in a damp location.5. Avoid applying excessive force when clamping with the swivel pegs.6. Be sure that the legs are fully open (for workbench height) and be sure that the tablelocks in position.7. When using a power tool with the work center, follow the safety instructions in thetool’s instruction manual.8. Always wear safety glasses when operating power tools.9. An even pressure of the vise jaws on the workpiece is essential. Tighten both crankhandles uniformly.SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCEIMPORTANT SAFETY WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONSTO REDUCE RISK OF INJURY:• Before any use, be sure everyone using this tool reads and understands all safetyinstructions and other information contained in this manual.• Save these instructions and review frequently prior to use and in instructing others.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONSASSEMBLY:The Workmate® 225 Type 6 work center comes partially assembled. A standard hammeris required for assembly. A plastic socket wrench is included. Empty the contents of thebox and identify all components (see Figure 1). Place the frame (A) on the floor in theposition shown in Figure 1. Find the release levers near the front rubber feet on the sidesof the frame. Depress both release levers as shown in Figure 2 and pull up until you hearthe frame lock in place.VISE JAW BRACKET:1. Select the vise screws (D) and the pivot nuts (E). Screw one pivot nut onto each visescrew about halfway as shown in Figure 3, assemble washer (O) on vise screw.2. Insert the unthreaded end of the vise screws into the frame such that the pivot nutsare located in the slots on the top of the frame and the unthreaded ends protrudethrough the holes in the front of the frame, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.3. Install the two vise cranks (F) and secure them by driving the pins (M) through theholes in the cranks and the vise screws. (Align the holes in the vise cranks with theholes in the vise screws and strike the pins sharply with a steel hammer until theyare flush with the sides of the vise cranks.) See Figure 5.4. Closely examine the two front top blocks and the two rear ones. Note that the frontblocks do not have a protruding tab on the bottom side where the rear blocks do.Select the front vise jaw, (B), and the two front top blocks, (J). Place the top blockson the rails of the frame as shown in Figure 6.5. Install the front vise jaw on top of the top blocks so that the small holes at each endof the jaw fit down over the posts on the top side of the blocks. With the jawpositioned as described above insert into the frame as shown in Figure 6, insert twoof the four bolts, (L) into the holes in the jaw and tighten them securely into the holesin the pivot nut. Use the socket wrench, (I) provided, shown in Figure 1.NOTE: For clarity, only the left side assembly is shown. Perform all operationson right side as well.6. Select the rear vise jaw, (C) and the two rear top blocks, (K). Position the rear top blockson the frame rails so that the tab ears in the bottom of the blocks fit into the key holesof the frame rail. Position the top blocks so their raised posts are toward the rear of theframe, as shown in Figure 7. Now install the rear vise jaw so that the small holes in theends of the jaw fit over the raised posts on the top blocks you just installed.7. Insert the remaining two bolts, (L) into the holes in the jaw and through the topblocks into the raised posts of the vise guides. The holes in the rear blocks are notthreaded so you will feel resistance as you cut threads into them.8. Snap-in crank handle as shown in Figure 8.9. To assemble the rubber feet to your Workmate: Turn the unit upside down. Swingout the four legs to the fully extended and locked position. Align the rubber foot withthe leg as shown in Figure 9. Lightly tap foot into place with a hammer.CHANGING THE INDEXED POSITION OF THE REAR JAW:1. Install the rear jaw in 1 of 3 possible indexed “keyhole” positions by indexing the rearvise jaw into a keyhole in the vise jaw bracket. Secure the rear jaw by sliding it to theback of the keyhole. As shown in Figure 7.SWIVEL PEGS:1. The four supplied swivel pegs can be used in any of the holes in the front and rearjaws. The pegs are used to extend the dimensions of your Workmate’s holdingcapacity. (Figure 10)SERVICE INFORMATIONBlack & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and Authorized Servicelocations throughout North America. All Black & Decker Service Centers are staffed withtrained personnel to provide customers with efficient and reliable power toolservice. Whether you need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacementparts, contact the Black & Decker service location nearest you. To find your localservice location, refer to the yellow page directory under “Tools—Electric” or call:1-800-54-HOW-TO.LIMITED TWO-YEAR HOME USE WARRANTYBlack & Decker (U.S.) Inc. warrants this product for two years against any defectsin material or workmanship. The defective product will be replaced or repaired at nocharge in either of two ways: The first, which will result in exchanges only, is to returnthe product to the retailer from whom it was purchased (provided that the store is aparticipating retailer). Returns should be made within the time period of the retailer’spolicy for exchanges (usually 30 to 90 days after the sale). Proof of purchase may berequired. Please check with the retailer for their specific return policy regarding returnsthat are beyond the time set for exchanges. The second option is to take or send theproduct (prepaid) to a Black & Decker owned or Authorized Service Center for repair orreplacement at our option. Proof of purchase may be required. Black & Decker ownedand Authorized Service Centers are listed under “Tools-Electric” in the yellow pages ofthe phone directory. This warranty does not apply to accessories. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.Should you have any questions, contact the manager of your nearest Black & DeckerService Center. This product is not intended for commercial use.FIG. 2FIG. 1PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.comFIG. 3RELEASE LEVERLEVIER DE DÉCLENCHEMENTPALANCA DE LIBERACIÓNFIG. 4FIG. 6FIG. 5FIG. 7 FIG. 8FIG. 9 FIG. 10Imported byBlack & Decker (U.S.) Inc.,701 E. Joppa Rd.Towson, MD 21286U.S.A.See ‘Tools-Electric’– Yellow Pages –for Service &SalesAVANT DE RETOURNER LE PRODUIT, PEU IMPORTE LA RAISON, PRéRE DECOMPROSER LE 1 800 544 6986Modèle WM225GUIDE D’UTILISATIONIMPORTANTES MESURES DE SéCURITé1. Ne jamais placer une charge supérieure à 204 kg (450 lb) sur l’étau-établi.2. Ne jamais placer sur l’étau-établi une charge mal équilibrée qui pourrait le faire basculer.3. Ne jamais se servir de l’étau-établi comme marchepied ni comme plate-forme. Nepas monter sur la plate-forme inférieure lorsque l’étau-établi est en position d’établi.Le repose-pied sert seulement à se REPOSER les pieds.4. Ne pas ranger l’étau-établi à l’extérieur ni dans un endroit humide.5. Éviter de trop serrer les mâchoires des mordaches orientables.6. S’assurer que les pieds sont pleinement écartés et que le plateau est verrouillé enposition de chevalet.7. Respecter les consignes de sécurité contenues dans les guides d’utilisation desoutils électriques utilisés avec l’étau-établi.8. Toujours porter des lunettes de sécurité lorsqu’on utilise des outils électriques. |
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