Camera InterfaceBasler A500k Series 2-19PRELIMINARYFigure 2-8: 8 Bit output Mode with Programmable Exposure for the A504k/kc2.5.6 Video Data Output for the A501k/kcA501k/kc cameras output the video data in a 2 * 8 Bit data stream.The pixel clock is used to time data sampling and transmission. As shown in Figures 2-9 and 2-10, the camera samples and transmits data on each rising edge of the pixel clock.The image has a maximum size of 1280*1024 pixels that are transmitted with a Pixel Clockfrequency of 50MHz over the Channel Link transmitter/receiver pair X. With each clock cycle twopixels at a depth of 8 Bits are transmitted in parallel. Therefore one line takes a maximum of 640clock cycles to become transmitted. For more details about sensor timing, please refer to theMicron MV13 data sheet ( to the internal sensor design, the Area of Interest feature is restricted in horizontal directionsto values that are multiples of ten. For details please read the register description of the AOIStarting Column and the AOI Width register. Image is transmitted line by line from top left to bottomright. Frame Valid (FVAL) and Line Valid (LVAL) mark the beginning and duration of frame and line.The line valid bit indicates that a valid line is being transmitted. Pixel data is valid when the linevalid bit is high.FrameValidLineValid Line 1 Line 2 Line 1024PixelClock(66 MHz)min. 3 μs0.015 μs 0.06 μs 1.89 μs1.95 μs0 μs2000 μsD_0Pixel Data(8 bits)1261 12711 11 12711 1261 12711D_10Pixel Data(8 bits)1270 128010 20 128010 1270 128010 20D_2Pixel Data(8 bits)1263 12733 13 12733 1263 12733 13D_1Pixel Data(8 bits)1262 12722 12 12722 1262 127221112end ofprogrammedtimeThis diagram assumes that the area of interest feature is not being used. With the area of interest feature enabled,the number of pixels transferred could be smaller.