Basic Operation and Features3-36 Basler A500k SeriesPRELIMINARY3.9.2 Dynamic Area of Interest (A504k/kc Only)Dynamic AOI is a useful feature for object tracking applications. It needs to be activated if youwant to displace the AOI position diagonally.To show the usefulness of this feature, this section explains first what happens if you move theAOI diagonally with Dynamic AOI deactivated. When you change the AOI starting line register, thevalue becomes immediately active. As a result, the AOI shifts vertically in one of the next images.Since you can only write commands to the camera sequentially, you would enter the AOI startingcolumn register next. The value becomes active and the AOI shifts horizontally in one of the nextimages. Even if the commands are written immediately after one another, the image output is sofast that the commands will be realized separately in different images. Shifting the AOI positiondiagonally can only be achieved via an intermediate AOI position.With Dynamic AOI activated, the AOI shifts diagonally without moving to an intermediate position.You enter the AOI values as follows:1. You write the AOI Starting Line register. It does not yet become active.2. You write the AOI Starting Column register.Now both values become active in the camera at the same time.You can activate or deactivate Dynamic AOI using either the Camera Configuration Tool Plus (seeSection 4.1) or binary commands (see Section ”Area of Interest Feature”).3.9.3 Area of Interest Stamp (A504k/kc Only)A command sent to the camera will become active only after a short latency. At low frame rates,the command usually becomes active for the next image. At high frame rates, as for the A504k,you do not know on exactly which image the command will become active. This information isespecially required for tracking applications where the camera is operating at a high frame rateand the Area of Interest is changed frequently. Information about the selected AOI can be stampedinto the image.If the Area of Interest Stamp feature is activated, the stamp is applied to the last 10 pixels of thelast line, that is, the bottom right of every image. It replaces the image information for these pixels(1 Byte per pixel). The stamp contains the following information:Frame Counter: 16 Bit counter. The counter is increased by one with each image and rangesfrom 0 to 65535. After 65535, the counter restarts at 0. The counter can not be reset.* AOI Width and AOI Height are not affected by Dynamic AOI.Pixel0high bytePixel1low bytePixel2high bytePixel3low bytePixel4high bytePixel5low bytePixel6high bytePixel7low bytePixel8high bytePixel9low byteFrame Counter AOI StartingColumnAOI Width AOI Starting Line AOI HeightTable 3-3: AOI Stamp Structure