10. Controller orientation10.12 Assign buttons with contextual displaysOverviewImage 10-111 LED (Red or Green).2 Three rows of 12 Assign buttons3 Three rows of 12 displays4 Three rows of 2 Arrow buttons (up and down).5 Three displays6 Three type buttonsDescriptionThe three rows of 12 buttons, each with a dedicated display can be assigned with several types of functions including memories,Source Files, Presets and UseKeys.Each row also has an Up and Down arrow buttons which are used to switch between pages per row.An additional button to the right of the arrow buttons on that row is called BUTTON TYPE. It has a display above it. The buttontoggles between assign types with multicolor indication of selected assign button type.LEDs under the Assign buttons are RED and GREEN:LED color DescriptionRed for On PGMGreen for On PVWBacklight color assign per function (for an entire row) :Function ColorSource Yellow backlightUser Key Magenta backlightBackground Source Green backlightPreset White backlightCue Cyan backlightCommand List Blue backlight298 R5905948 EVENT MASTER DEVICES 17/07/2017