3. Getting startedBarco – Argus X Terminal – DOC-3265-2 – user's manual – Revision 04 – May-2004 ________________________________________________________________________ 3-193.2.9 Dual RGB Input CardThe DUAL RGBRGB INPUT CARD provides the capability of displaying RGB monitor signals. Either two analog signals up to1280×1024@75Hz or one analog signal up to UXGA resolution or higher are digitized for further processing in5Hz or one analog signal up to UXGA resolution or higher are digitized for further processing inA RGUS.StandardThe synchronization modes Hsync+Vsync, Csync and Sync-on-Green are supported.ConnectorsThe DUAL RGB I NPUT CARD has two VGA compatible 15-pin SubMinD connectors. Each is for connecting one RGBSubMinD connectors. Each is for connecting one RGBsignal to the OMNI BUS. If an UXGA signal is inserted it must be connected to RGB In 1, while RGB In 2 is not avail-able.RGB In 2RGB In 1Figure 3-24connector of DUAL RGB I NPUT C ARDOrderWithin a single DUAL RGB I NPUT CARD the numbering of the video channels is as shown in the figure above. Theorder in that the input cards are inserted into one or moreput cards are inserted into one or more OMNI BUS devices is given in section 3.2.15 Argus OmniBusand 3.2.16 Arrangement of expansion cards.SpecificationsFor detailed technical specifications of the D UAL RGB INPUT CARD please refer to section 7.1 Technical data.