4. OperatingBarco – Argus X Terminal – DOC-3265-2 – user's manual – Revision 04 – May-2004 ________________________________________________________________________ 4-604.8.8 Genlock utilityThe genlock utility enables alternatively to the window manager access to the genlock functionality, please referalso to section 4.5 Window manager. But it offers also access to advanced functionality that is not operable bymeans of the window manager.Entering xgenlock in the command line starts the utility:xgenlockxgenlock>>In the following the options can be entered, e.g. on to switch on genlock:xgenlock>>onThe following table lists the options of xgenlock:option value / meaninghelp | ? lists all options of xgenlockquit quits the utilityoff switches genlock offon switches genlock onexternal selects an external source as genlock signalinternal selects the first UGX orGX or AGX G RAPHIC CARD as genlock signalbvsync n=0,1,2, ...selects the BIG VIDEO CARD with the number <n> as genlock signalThis is only applicable using the following components:A RGUS OMNI BUS AGS-3013-11 or higherOMNI S CALER AGX-3002-0 or higherBIG VIDEO CARD FRG-2684-14 or higherqvsync n=0,1,2, ... ; m=0,1,2,3selects the QUAD A NALOG VIDEO CARD with the number <n> and channel as gen-lock signalfirstsync selects the first video input card as genlock signalinfo returns a list with information, if genlock is activated and which card is used for thegenlock signalstate returns a list with the state of the UGX or AGX G RAPHIC CARDS (r(refresh rate, ..)monitoring l=1,2,3, ...repeats the option state timesversion shows the version of the boot loader(genlock can be used from boot loader version 204 on)rdef reads and applies the default configuration filewdef writes the current genlock settings into the default configuration file; these settingsare applied automatically after each restart.ras reads and applies the configuration file, that is specified with was writes the current genlock settings into a configurations file with the name Table 4-43options of the xgenlock utilityWhen using genlock make sure, that the cabling for genlock has been established asexplained in section 3.2.14 CPU boardU board.If an external signal is connected only external may be selected. If selecting internal or avideo signal it will be disturbed by the external signal. Therefore the external signal shouldbe unplugged before switching to an other type of genlock!