11-12 P505 Smart PDA PhonesSending data using BluetoothSending data using BluetoothSending data using BluetoothSending data using BluetoothSending data using Bluetooth ®®®®®You can conveniently send your Pocket Outlook contacts, calendaritems, and tasks individually or collectively to the remote device usingBluetooth®.To send data via BluetoothTo send data via BluetoothTo send data via BluetoothTo send data via BluetoothTo send data via Bluetooth ®®®®® :::::1. Tap , then open eitherContactsContactsContactsContactsContacts, CalendarCalendarCalendarCalendarCalendar, or T a s k sT a s k sT a s k sT a s k sT a s k s.2. Highlight an item that you wish tosend to the Bluetooth® device.3. Tap and hold the item, then tapSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via Bluetooth from thepop-up menu.O RO RO RO RO RTap T o o l sT o o l sT o o l sT o o l sT o o l s from the command bar,then select Send via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via Bluetooth.The device searches and displaysBluetooth® device(s) in yourlocation.