Chapter 8: Using companion applications 8-29Adjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsTo adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:1. Tap the Advanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced SettingsAdvanced Settingsto display the options.2. Assign the length of thephone number in the firstthree fields.N O T EN O T EN O T EN O T EN O T E By default, the VoiceCommander applicationrecognizes three phonenumber lengths basedon your settings. Tapthe N o c o n s t r a i n tN o c o n s t r a i n tN o c o n s t r a i n tN o c o n s t r a i n tN o c o n s t r a i n toption to supportunlimited number ofphone number digits.3. Select the voice commandsensivity, then tap to saveyour changes.