Advanced LAN Bypass User Manual lbp_err lbp_close(int segment)Closes an opened communication interface of a specific LAN bypass segment.Returns 0 on success or the following error codes in the case of an error:3.7.2 LBP Information3.7.2.1 lbp_err lbp_get_version(unsigned char *major, unsigned char *minor)Description:Returns the major and minor versions of liblbpcuRefer to the release notes for more information on liblbpcu versions.Returns 0 on success or the following error code in the event of an error: lbp_err lbp_get_num_segments(int *segment_number)Returns the total number of segments defined in the configuration file.Returns 0 on success or the following error code in the event of an error: lbp_err lbp_get_fw_version(unsigned char *major, unsigned char *minor)Returns the FW version of the LAN Bypass MCU.Refer to the release notes for more information on MCU FW versions.Returns 0 on success or the following error codes in the event of an error:Table 3.3: API Function "lbp_open" Error CodesName Error CodeLBP_ERR_OPEN_FILE 0x80LBP_ERR_CONF_FILE_FORMAT 0x81LBP_ERR_CONF_GET_PCI_DEVICE 0x82LBP_ERR_PCI_BASE_ADDR 0x84LBP_ERR_DEV_MEM_OPEN 0x85LBP_ERR_PARAM_OUT_OF_BOUND 0x93LBP_ERR_PARAM_NULL_POINTER 0x94LBP_ERR_GPIO_SET 0x98Table 3.4: API Function "lbp_close" Error CodesName Error CodeLBP_ERR_LBP_INIT 0x95LBP_ERR_PARAM_OUT_OF_BOUND 0x93LBP_ERR_LBP_CLOSE 0x88Table 3.5: API Function "lbp_get_version" Error CodesName Error CodeLBP_ERR_PARAM_NULL_POINTER 0x94Table 3.6: API Function "lbp_get_num_segments" Error CodesName Error CodeLBP_ERR_PARAM_NULL_POINTER 0x94