3-44Storage ManagerFormatting Drives – SCSI onlyYour controller can perform a low-level format on attached harddrives in standard 512-byte format. This function is available fromthe SCSI Device Information window.A low-level format is not normally required before using a harddrive. However, if a drive has been previously formatted with adifferent sector size, it must be reformatted with 512-byte sectorsbefore it can be recognized by the controller.Caution: Do not allow system power to be interrupted untilafter the format operation is complete. Doing so can causedrives to be left in an unusable state and require them to bereturned to the manufacturer for repair.To perform a low-level format on a hard drive, follow these steps:1 In the drive SCSI Device Information window, click Format.The Format Options window appears.2 Click Format in the Format Options window to start theoperation.3 You may now exit Storage Manager. The format operationcontinues even though Storage Manager is not running.To determine if the format has finished, run Storage Manager andlook at the drive’s icon. A blue flag indicates that the format is still inprogress. If the drive icon has no flag, the format is complete.!