3-42Storage ManagerSCO UNIXThe broadcaster collects controller events and saves them to files inthe /usr/dpt directory for use by Storage Manager. Events can also besent to an ASCII file, specified devices, or e-mailed as specified inthe Event Broadcasting window.Installing the BroadcasterWhen you install the controller driver, you automatically install thethe broadcaster in /usr/dpt. During broadcaster installation, you areprompted to specify if the broadcaster is loaded automatically whenthe system is started in multiuser mode. If you specify automaticloading, events are gathered and recorded without userintervention. This also copies a script file, s33dpt, to the /etc/rc2.ddirectory. This script automatically loads the broadcaster as abackground process when the system goes into multiuser mode.Note: Do not use the s33dpt script file for UnixWare 7broadcaster operation.Stopping/Restarting the BroadcasterA script file (dptlog) is provided that enables you to stop and restartthe broadcaster from the UNIX prompt. Use the followingcommands to stop or start the broadcaster:Viewing EventsEvents can be viewed from the system console or a terminal byusing the Event Logs window in Storage Manager (see Event Log onpage 3-35).dptlog stop Stops the broadcasterdptlog start Restarts the broadcaster