3-56Storage ManagerYou must configure remote communication before it can be used.For both workstations and servers, this is done by editing theStorage Manager configuration file (dptmgr.ini). There may beadditional server configuration steps, depending on your operatingsystem. You must have physical connections between the serversand client workstations.Note: Under Windows 95/98/Me, the server must be startedmanually by selecting the Adaptec Communication Servericon. This version of the communication server runs in aDOS window.Editing the Configuration FileBoth the workstation and server communication engines use theStorage Manager configuration file (dptmgr.ini). This file is containedin the directory in which you installed Storage Manager.The OPTIONS section of the file controls the behavior of thecommunication server. To control the display of messages from theserver, change the Verbose parameter, Verbose=x, where x is:The MODULES section of the file tells the communication serverwhich protocol setting you want to use for communication.0 No messages1 Default—Basic messages, such as errors, connects, anddisconnects2 More messages, including Option 1 messages with socketnumbers and TCP/IP addresses3 All messages, including Option 2 messages and messagetracing[MODULES] Specify as many as neededTCP Communication server uses TCP protocol